It's Sunday! Where did the week go...?
What is it about Sundays? Since I was a little kid I felt that Sundays are 'much more fun than Mondays but not as cool as Saturdays'. I still feel that way.
Funny how some things never change...while so much else in the world is spinning around and around just like the autumn leaves this mid October...(or the digital leaves in my Page Header :-)'s nice to know that that my 'little kid mind' is still here.
And I wonder how that could possibly be. Through life's turbulence and shifts, revolving circumstances and 'Passages' one feminist author of the seventies would call I am. Different, but not changed. I may have been temporarily preoccupied, or distracted or spinning around at certain points in my life...but I never left. I am still the same at the the deepest heart.
Some people do leave. Some, I think get swept up with what is spinning around them not really intending to get caught up in the turbulence...but they do. They get so drawn into & involved with the illusions of who the world thinks they SHOULD be...that they keep revolving and not evolving. Involution, Revolution, Evolution. Hmmmm.
This reminds me of The World card in the Tarot!
I stopped reading the cards a long time ago...for the most part...but continued to teach their multi-layered significance for years. It is fascinating, and I will not go into the ENTIRE meaning of this card, because it would take up my whole Sunday!!!!!!!! So, how about just a little tid-bit?
In the Rider-Waite Tarot, which to me is the ONLY teaching Deck there is... The zoftig woman depicted is holding two wands. The one in the left hand I have been taught represents the process of INVOLUTION, the right...the process of EVOLUTION. What makes her WHOLE...and, hmmm.... let's say.."on top of the world", is that she has equally processed both the INVOLVING /EVOLVING aspects of herself. Her inner growth is congruent with her outer growth. Balanced. And...furthermore...(and this is really important)...she knows the process is ongoing and never really ends. She would not say..."I have done it!" or "I'm finished!". She might say instead.." I am doing it"..or better yet..." I am it". Or even better yet............."IT IS being done".
Because you see, as balanced and whole as she is...there is not much need for her to use the "I" in her statements. Her empowerment is natural. She does not need to prove anything...she knows that the process itself is humbling...and realizes/actualizes the INVOLUTION and EVOLUTION...which brings her right back to where she humanly started. A pure soul, with the simplicity and clarity of a child.
She dances naked, in a sense...through life...perfect steps, perfect timing...never thrown completely off balance. Even when her life-circumstances seem unstable...the condition of her life remains intact. As she continues the game with humility and gratitude...then even the circumstances of life itself...become more level.
She's my role model.
I'm working on it...oops, I mean to say.."It is in the works..." :-)
OK, did I get on that tangent? Oh, now I remember... Sunday.
Where DID the week go?

Here is a musical masterpiece for ya!
I played and sang this a lot on Sunday mornings...(for some reason)...when I was thrown (gently invited) into what was then the seemingly, never-ending abyss of Lightbody Awareness. (When I often felt...
'a little peculiar' )
I can listen to it with a SMILE.
And that's really saying something...
if "I" must say-so myself!!!
Click between the arrows & Enjoy.
Oh, by the way....
Parallel Visions is STILL under construction.
could peek...but it might give you a headache. :-)
(click below & open in new window for the lyrics,
if you wanna' sing along)
How many years ago was it that I took your class with my mini (playing card size) deck? Smiling now and I was then. Funny...we did it on a Sunday 18 years ago right?
I love Sundays. I think of the card as "Woman of The World"...which is what I want to immerse myself in it. The wands are like gearshifts to me or even axises...a reminder that even if we don't see it, we always have something to hold on to.
The song is perfect...just perfect for this morning.
Laura...18 years ago?????? Jeeez, you HAD to remind me!!
AND on a SUNDAY??? Honestly, your memory astounds me.
Hi Christine,
I just read your blog post from Sunday (sorry it took so long), but I'm very glad I got to it! I love your interpretation of the World card. It makes perfect sense!
I am back to reading the cards again, as I did in the early 2000's. Actually I am reading online again and loving it this time around.
I really enjoy your blog! Keep writing as there are people reading! Perhaps you can come to a Circle again...............
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