The Cat's Pajamas!

Mischief & Neo, November 2007
Good Sunday to all. I have been preoccupied this weekend with nursing my 2 kitties back to flea-less health. And in the process there has been yet another renovating my Sanctuary...on a VERY deep level. I have washed too many loads to count, vacuumed too many times to recall and swept, scrubbed and obsessed over the tiniest things...too many times to admit, comfortably. :-) Boy, am I ever tired. I am beginning to see it as my Holiday cleaning...early by default. And yes, the feline duo seems to be doing better. Although, it might take some time for 14 year old "Mischief"...(appropriately named when he was young and spry) come back full force. Right now at this late hour...I KNOW how he feels. Anyway...the multi-media extravaganza I had planned...but unfortunately not finished .... has been put on hold for a while. But in the meantime, since I have CATS on the brain...I have a story for you. Animal lovers or not...this may strike a chord with you. Last year when the cats had their very first bout EVER with fleas...I shut them out of my room. In fact, I closed the door at the top of the stairs so they would not come downstairs at all. I hated to do it. But I could not handle the idea of fleas in bed with me. The younger cat was not happy with the arrangement...but 'Gramps' was very saddened by it. He and I have been through a lot together, the little "healing fur ball' that he is! The duration of recovery was not all that long...and soon enough they were back downstairs with me or my son at bedtime. So...a few weeks ago, my son moved out and forgot to tell me. :-) Well, not exactly...but let's just say that he has not been sleeping home for awhile...even though most of his stuff is still here. Around the same time, the cats stopped coming downstairs. Their behavior DID change a bit with Matt not here so much...but even when Matt would come home late or spend the night out...I had at least one cat with me at sleep time. So I was not really sure why they so abruptly decided that the downstairs...(not just our bedrooms)...but the entire downstairs area was off limits. Then, it dawned on me. About the same time Matt's living arrangement changed...was when the fleas began to enter the picture! Now...I am NOT a "CAT Whisperer", so I will not venture to say that they had a little chat over a shot of catnip, griping about how I shut them out the last time! But...really...I think that 'something in them remembered'. Just like with us...(the stubborn humans we are, that think we are in control of every move)...there is some mechanism deep within us that directs us without conscious knowing. As an Ascension teacher, I would call it "Cellular Memory". You can call it what you want. And you can call me crazy, too...if you wish! But...I think there's something to it. As we know, we can learn a lot from the Animals we live amongst on this planet. And when it comes to the little animals with which we cohabitate our private havens, well...who's to say? All we can do is watch in awe. And we can watch in awe the following videos, too! Sorry, but I could not resist looking for the first video... in light of the post topic.....and THEN I came across the second one. And I just HAD to include it. Although...after watching that one, I now feel tired...AND very old. But I'll snap out of it.
And...I want to dedicate the first video to my sister Joanne & my niece Rosie. Joanne, correct me if I am mistaken...but I Do believe I feel a tiny cell tweaking a memory in regard to YOU being a fan of this guy. And Rosie, with whom I have shared many "swooning adventures" during our very imaginative childhood. Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't know if it's just me, but I like the second, older version MUCH better!
Loved it, Thanks, Christine!

Anonymous said...

Rats! The speakers on my computer are off the wire for some reason...but, just watching the videos isn't torture! :)

Our house is totally devoid of any animals right now and we can feel it...Mark more than me. He says that when he walks into the house, he doesn't feel any life. He and our cats were always so attuned to one another...sometimes I felt like an outsider. Our cats died four years apart and we just haven't had the heart to adopt a new one yet...but we will.

At the very least, you've gotten a jump start on all your cleaning...and the fall months are perfect months to have a clean house...cozy and warm from baking if I know you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Christine! Re Tom Jones: I prefer the old NOW Tom better myself. In his younger days I remember that his tight trousers looked like he must have been sewn into them. P.S. Love your ever evolving Fall header. P.P.S. Okay, I am now going to attempt to post this comment.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Here I go again. Your old sister isn't really up with all of this... I love all your blogs & this one was great. But I couldn't believe it was Tom in the 2nd video. I think he had a BAD face job... that does it for me, no one will come near me with a knife...

I love Rumi too.. that's us great minds.... Joanie