Another Autumn Rambling

Did you notice my revised Header at the top of the page? I decided that it needed to change with the seasons. So, keep your eyes peeled for further morphing with each new update! And now for this weeks Sunday Morning Post:
Autumn Mosaic (click to see enlargement) ~ Winter is an etching, Spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and Autumn a mosaic of them all. Stanley Horowitz
I love that quote. And with that in mind, I might fact...I WILL say that I am feeling "seasonally correct". I have noticed that many of us compare our lives to a puzzle...never quite completely put together. One or more pieces always mysteriously missing, leaving us with empty spaces. Do you sometimes feel like you are always waiting for things to be perfect? Although no one really knows what "perfect" means anyway. We only think that what we have is NOT we wait. I certainly have had that notion time and again. And again. And again. But it is beginning to feel very different lately. I think my life is a mosaic. A Living Mosaic. Continually moving and reshaping itself, yet giving me a sense of wholeness and continuity. Even though, if one would look at each separate little life-tile , it could seem "unrelated" to the rest, not having any commonality at all. But then...when one piece is placed beside another...and then another.... this eclectic collection of textures and colors and shapes all seem to compliment one another. And such as it works. There is a saying..."you cannot have what you want, until you want what you have". So what is the transformative quality that nudges one away from being "puzzled" in regard to missing pieces and seeing instead a beautiful mosaic that fits into itself...with timely perfection? Autumn IS my favorite time of the year...and so I will admit that as I have mentioned before, I DO feel more "myself" at this time. And since I have pretty much, for the most part... 'retired' from the 'Spiritual Teaching/Healing' part of my life...I am more than ever merging what I used to "do" with who I AM. Interestingly...when I stopped DOING all of that other stuff...(jeeez, seems like a lifetime ago and it is ONLY 2 years!), it did not feel like anything was missing at all.. It was refreshing. I guess the time was just right. And now I am writing my book, enjoying this BLOG thing more than ever, working outside of the home part time, doing in-home art work as well as hearing those melodies call me to the OTHER keyboard again, engaging in as many social activities as I WANT to...and oh yes... one more thing....that is giving me much contentment right now and an important part of the mosaic...I am making these for a local Italian Cafe....
(click on Pic to enlarge)
And with ALL of that...I still have many OPEN SPACES, not empty, mind you. Open.
And I am never, EVER bored.
Are there other desires that I would like to fulfill? Yes. More adventures to embark on? Yes. Some things that I want? YES. wanting what I have...I WILL have what I want. It's a given. I have freedom. This Freedom is an emotional need to fill in any spaces. Try it. Even if you already think you are free...try deepening & widening your perspective just a little tiny bit more...and see what happens. Want what you have...enjoy what is right in front of you. Sincerely try appreciating each and every moment. Give up all expectation ( a control issue) and embrace a lighthearted anticipation (openness, HOPE, joy) for all the possibilities. Stop trying to put the pieces together to make that 'picture perfect' puzzle complete and simply allow the funny, odd and sometimes surprising pieces to 'FALL' together, making the most lovely Mosaic you would ever want to see. Your Precious life, right the moment. Yeah... Autumn is a time when things are actually...(in spite of what appearances are), FALLING TOGETHER. Thanks for reading. HEY....speaking of ARTwork. Parallel Visions is now UNDER CONSTRUCTION. So, for your own safety...DO NOT ENTER! Even if you have a hardhat on...refrain from clicking on that link until next time!
Now, click on the LARGE arrow below (sorry, it was the best I could do with the music player this time), for a SHORT Musical message.


Anonymous said...

I love autumn too and always associate it with being happy...I think the want what you have/appreciate what you have message is so timely right now. I have tremendous freedom in my life and great flexibility...I'm truly blessed, but don't always feel it.

This is a great post for me to read the very first day we had to turn on the heat. A fall rite of passage.

Anonymous said...

Autumn is my favorite, too!
Thank you for so beautifully expressing the process I've been going through as well.
The Stones song was perfect. They played that at my cousin's funeral last year, BTW.
The pastries make me hungry. Where can I get some?
Autumn Mosaic is beautiful and a perfect reflection of what you wrote. Or was it vice versa? I want to go to that magical place depicted in the upper left corner.
It must be somewhere in s-time, with its Vermeer-like foreground and window to a Post-Impressionist world.

Anonymous said...

Linda, I agree with what you wrote about "that magical place in the upper left hand corner"!