There was a time when I kept track of the cycles of the moon. I remembered the names of each moon, what they represented and how that particular energy affected us. I could recite without pause each god and goddess that presided over that lunar energy, what color one should wear and what foods should be brought to feast. I still stay on top of the major seasonal shifts, such as the Equinoxes and Solstices, although I have not officiated or attended in a couple of years and ...the weekly/ monthly acknowledgment has faded. So I was taken aback this week when an acquaintance of mine reminded me that not only was it a Full Moon that may have been the reason I woke up with a 'hangover' with no substance intake to blame for it, but it was also the Harvest Moon. I thought about how The Harvest Moon has always been my favorite lunar show and I have been looking forward to Fall this year. I even briefly mentioned it on this Blog recently....but I had not one moon thought about it. 'Jeeeez'...I said in a groggy voice, hiding my puffy and now shamed eyes behind great big sunglasses."I am really slippin". And what a moon she was... The next couple of nights I belatedly worshipped her brilliant light and bathed in her waning energy, remembering that when we are more conscious of those so-called mysterious energies around us, we can work with them more 'efficiently' and not be taken by surprise by what the powerful energies of the moon are capable of magnifying. Like altering a mood for example... or seemingly out of nowhere... intensifying emotions that stop as quickly and mysteriously as they start. Or in my case... waking up with an 'unwarranted hangover"! "I" had forgotten. But my body was right in sync with the powers that be. We are surrounded continually by the natural powers of earth and sky as well as the energies of actions and events and simply the presence of other humans around us. We are always being influenced from the outside some way. We are naturally intuitive...and by that, I mean to say that not only on a spiritual level, but physically, mentally & emotionally, we 'pick-up" stuff. We absorb things. We feel thoughts and hear visions (nope, NOT a typo). Sometimes it is really hard to tell the difference between what starts from within, solely initiated from "our own" inner thought process and what may be a chain reaction to something outside of ourselves. As long as we are living, breathing humans, we cannot be free of the influence of these things...but the awareness of the influence can, I believe... help keep us from being thrown off balance. Maybe then our reactions will feel more like "responses". Think about it. Any comments? Leave one!!! That is my brief SUNDAY MORNING POST this week. I will try to keep up the momentum without outside interference. :-) OH yeah... Below is a song that I play often... of course, it did not occur to me to play it last week. It may have jolted my brain into sync, if I had! And...I do not care how my son makes of fun of me when I play this song...I have always loved this guys uniquely shaky voice and guitar playing. So his opinion, I doubt... will influence me differently! Click between the arrows and... Enjoy.
Harvest Moon - Nei...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise! I love that you are posting more often.

I used to be very clued into the moon phases too and recently Christianne Northrup talked about the moon phases and women's bodies and I kind of started paying attention again.

On of my favorite sayings has always been "the pull of the moon"...I think that would make a good name for a blog. (probably is!).