I assume that you are all familiar with my "disappearing acts" by now...so I will not even attempt to explain why it has been so long...:-) "What's Wrong With This Picture...?" x 3 Spring appears to be springing, although not quite sprung yet. Even though Equinox has passed. And on the Winds of March, I sense many new thought-forms 'blowing in' ...to accommodate the redesigning and redefining of our lives. Yes, it's not simply the Spring renewal/rebirth we witness every year...it seems to go beyond the realm of the usual. Yes, what some would call "The New Paradigm" is clearly showing its self. Many people seem to be afraid of change. Even those who appear to invite all sorts of new experiences into their lives...don't necessarily want to engage in "real change". At least not when it comes to change within themselves. Maybe that is why they look for so many diverse circumstances....that they can participate in...without really engaging. I am not judging...just observing. What I sense, see, experience is that change often does not come all at once, though, it can. Some things CAN change overnight...but giant, life-altering events aside...change is more often... a slow transition that one hardly notices occurring until one day...everything is different. Like.."all of a sudden..out of nowhere..." there it is! But, not really. It probably has been "percolating" for awhile. I recently took part in a research project at the Department of Neuroscience at Indiana University. The qualities they were looking for in participants was somewhat specific...and interesting. Just to give you an idea...the list included the following: ~experiences of altered states (with or without the help of drugs) ~ ability to engage in supernatural phenomenon ~Possesses special Psychic Skills I wanted to be involved NOT only because there was a $10.00/hour bonus for participants :-), but because I thought it would be fun. Although I was told that the actual "final results" or "diagnosis" would not be revealed to me, personally...I felt that simply doing the 'interviews'...filling out the questionnaires and taking the tests that measured the memory, left-brain-right brain function and other sneaky ways of calculating how a human that possessed certain abilities solved problems, behaved in social arenas and made long or short term choices...could be enlightening. Oh, I forgot to mention that was some inference to "schizophrenic tendencies" in the research as well. :-) (I do have such an interest in how the brain works...and how as individuals we use our minds/brains...and the thin line between a "being a willing channel assisting in the Spiritual evolution of one's self and others..." Vs "being an open door to a plethora of tangled up energies...without discernment".) Well anyway.... One thing I realized after the 'testing' is how much I have changed through the years and how the lifestyle/mission that I had taken on quite early effected my life as a whole. What I also realized is what had NOT changed...that who I am has been who I AM...from the beginning...(before the beginning?) and that at my very core there is a constant, yet evolving essence. This is something that rarely can be noticed...from the outside. Now I have a deeper understanding of what 'redefining'... really means. It is not about actually doing anything NEW... although NEW things may a part of the experience. For instance, one NEW thing is that I now make Cannoli on a regular basis instead of Channeling Spirit for groups of people! (Oh, I still have ongoing communication with the other side...but not 'formally'...and often it occurs while I am making Cannoli :-) That is just one example of the kind of change that may look very odd or surprising from the outside looking in. But from the inside...(where I AM)...it is what has always been there and now it's time has come to pass. Redefining, clarity, truth. A better fit...like the perfect jeans...(I do not wear jeans...but I can imagine:-) For the last couple of years I have used the words...Congruency and Vibrational Coherence quite a bit. Knowing what I meant...but not quite knowing how to explain it to others. I still do not know how to explain it... and now after my experience with the wonderful Psych students at the University, I realize it doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be explained. It is an experiential "event" if you will...that is gradual and evident in non-verbal expression only. "Don't ask questions...just watch me". In Ascension language...the idea of Vibrational levels and how some writers explain them... can sometimes be taken the wrong way. Higher vibration=good. Lower=bad, Good vibes, Bad vibes. NOT actually TRUE. It's all about different levels of experiencing. And as we all are...(and we are..ALL sensing the VIBES these days more than ever...), feeling our way into this new age of living...what a good fit really entails will be apparent. We may find ourselves in a situation that does not seem like the perfect fit...a bit uncomfortable or not quite congruent with what we are emanating from within. Instead of trying to CHANGE THE PICTURE....that we find ourselves in...instead of trying to change something that is not in our power...or not our business to judge or control... we will hopefully, without judgement... gently detach or temporarily separate from that situation... so we can learn more about ourselves...and possibly others. On occasion it will be a permanent break. Who knows. It is hard to say. Moment to moment. We can live & learn gracefully and practice compassion with boundaries...moment to moment, when we are unafraid to admit...that the right fit...is always about ourSELVES. So.. "What's wrong with this picture...?" "Oh I know....I am in it." Shall we get bumper stickers made? :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The interesting correlation for this post is that I am reading this book:
My review, so far?
"What's wrong with THIS picture?"
"But for some reason, I don't want it hanging on my wall"
(You may get the meaning...if you read the review)
"Congruency and Vibrational Coherence"
I understand this and yet, I can't explain aloud, even to you what it means to me.
I am so glad someone (you) is writing about this whole high vibration versus low vibration thing that people keep tossing around and usually in a superior way...BECAUSE of course, they are "high vibration". It drives me insane.
That picture of Natasha Richardson is just beautiful, she looks so soft.
Laura...yeah, she WAS all soft and glowy. I looked at several pictures of her, and actually the one on the post is TWO pics...a composite.(The exact hairstyle and the perfect soft look on her face) When I woke up I thought, "WHO was that"? I knew something important had just happened...and I knew that we both were a little shy with each other...because we didn't actually KNOW each other. But there we were...together. It is a "sad pleasure' for me when this happens...and I don't 'know' the person...but then find out through whatever means...who it was. This was a big surprise.
Yes, that is a lovely picture of Natasha Richardson, bless her. How touching. And how interesting to have your meta-3-D experience validated by the press.
"What's wrong with this picture?" We want it to be about the picture, rather than our projections, don't we? And just who do we think made the picture, anyway? :D
Yeah...that's why..I think anyway...that one needs to learn to get a bird's eye view of things...a little detachment. It's not always easy.
:-) Ha, yes the press...once again the INTERNET has played an important part in my 3-D and beyond! Bless her, indeed. And bless us all for whatever part we all play in this wild inter-dimensional trip.
Amen, sistah!
Lovely and something to think about.. I have to get it all in my old head.. You are really something..XX
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